

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Metal Fever with Polymer Clay!

As I continue on with my experiments into the fascinating world of Swellegant on Polymer Clay I have to give a few of the Spirit/Goddess ladies a try...

Oh these were so fun! You know I just had to do!

Oh believe me when I say..."there will be more"! Well enough for today, I hope everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day Weekend. Ours was a complete wash-out. It's rained, stormed & flooded all weekend with a few tornadoes & lots of damage and grief for a lot of folks here in Texas...but we're lucky to be safe & sound so far.
Thanks so much for stopping by...Till Next Time!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Fun with Swellegant!

I know I'm a little slow on the uptake but I just recently discovered Christi Friezen's line of Swellegant products were designed with clay in mind...what? Who Knew? Well I didn' I got ahold of the Bestest Dealio of guessed it, the whole shebang! After watching Christi's video on the tips & tricks of using Swellegant I was ready to go for it...& go for I did!...

My first piece & I'm in love! It touches a place deep inside me, that place where I hold my childhood dreams of being an archeologist...digging in the dirt to find precious little trinkets like this! Isn't he so cute! Created with Sculpey Souffle clay in Pumpkin, Brass metal coating, Darkening patina & a touch of the Green Gold Patina...LOVE IT!
 Ok so enough experimenting, I was ready to jump in with both I did!

Looks like I've spent the last month on a dig, right? Oh I'm so in my element right fish in I've been having a blast with Swellegant, such a great product! After working with it for a while I can already tell it's going to be hard to go back to clay with out using Swellegant! Oh I know it can be! 
Well once again, thanks so much for stopping by...Till Next Time!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

On a Spirit/Goddess Journey

Well I've been super busy but productive too...making more Spirit/Goddess pendants. Polymer Clay & Natural Stones seems like the perfect marriage of texture & color.

Spirit/Goddess of Life, the Earth, the Ocean Waves, Bear Woman, Dear Woman
I Love Paris, I love NY

White Willow Woman Set & Spirit/Goddess of Love
Spirit Goddess of Lava
Spirit/Goddess of Stones
Spirit/Goddess of Remembrance

Grey Woman Wanderer

Corn Growing Woman

Spirit of the Night

Wow it has been a busy month & I still have more to share but I'll save it for next time. I ordered Christi Friesens Swellegant line & I'm looking so forward to sharing my experiments with you all.
Thanks so much for stopping by...Till Next Time!